Gale OneFile: Science provides access to information on the latest scientific developments across a range of science disciplines.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public
Gale OneFile: Science provides access to information on the latest scientific developments across a range of science disciplines.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public
Gale OneFile: Vocations and Careers provides access to information on researching a vocation, finding an institution of learning, and getting assistance with job searches.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public
Gale Power Search provides simultaneous searching across a variety of Gale databases including Gale General OneFile, Gale Literature, Gale In Context, Gale eBooks, and more.
Audience: Middle School, High School, College & University, and General Public
GreenFILE is a research database that covers all aspects of human impact to the environment and includes content on Global Warming, Pollution, Renewable Energy, and more.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public
Health InfoNet of Alabama is a free, consumer health information service of the Alabama public and medical libraries. Health InfoNet of Alabama provides Alabama residents with access to high-quality consumer health information.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public
Health Source: Consumer Edition is a collection of consumer health information that provides access to full-text consumer health magazines and reference books.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition is a full-text database that covers nursing and allied health topics including pediatric nursing, critical care, mental health, and more.
Audience: College & University, Medical Professionals, and General Public
History Reference Source is a full-text database that covers topics in U.S. and world history from the earliest civilizations through the 21st century.
Audience: High School, College & University, and General Public
Human Anatomy Atlas 2020 provides access to medically accurate male and female 3D gross anatomy models and includes MRI and CT scans, dissection tool, augmented reality, and more.
Audience: High School, College & University, Medical Professionals, and General Public
Image Collection via MasterFile Premier is made available through EBSCOhost proprietary databases including Academic Search Premier, Academic Search Elite, MasterFILE Premier, and Middle Search Plus.
Audience: Middle School, High School, College & University, and General Public
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) provides indexing and abstracts for books, key journals, research reports, and more.
Audience: College & University, Media Specialists, and General Public